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Admission to Connecticut Hospice Inpatient Hospital

Our waterfront facility is a choice open to all who qualify for inpatient care. Admissions to our Hospice program come through the patient’s primary physician, once the patient or family chooses us.

Those who elect our home hospice program may keep their primary physician or may choose a hospice physician for their care.

For those admitted to our Branford Inpatient Hospice Hospital, care is assumed by a hospice and palliative care physician or advanced practice nurse practitioner, and primary physicians are invited to collaborate with our inpatient staff.

We invite referring physicians, patients, families and authorized caregivers, and other health care professionals to call our Centralized Intake Department at (203) 315-7540

Admissions may be scheduled seven days a week.

Connecticut Hospice works very closely with prospective patients, families and medical providers on a case by case basis to ensure that all receive the care they need, while adhering to the ethical and legal guidelines set for hospice care.

This process helps ensure that patients meet the criteria for admission to Hospice care, and particularly to our Inpatient Hospice and Palliative Care Hospital, which are strictly regulated by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. In general, to be eligible for inpatient admission, patients must have symptoms that cannot be safely or effectively managed in another setting.


Call our Centralized Intake Department at (203) 315-7540


Please Support Us

As a not-for-profit, we depend on generous donors to help us provide customized services and therapies that aren’t completely covered by Medicaid, Medicare, or private insurance. 

Please make a gift to help us sustain the highest standard of care.

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