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Patient/Family Bill of Rights

Connecticut Hospice Inpatient and Home Care services are specialized health care programs that operate with the goal of maintaining quality of life through the management of pain and other symptoms. Hospice programs provide medical and health care services consisting of palliative and support care for patients with a progressive illness and their families.

The care of patients and families shall be conducted with an overriding concern for the family unit and above all, the recognition of their dignity and the protection of their rights. Consistent with state laws, the patient’s family or guardian may exercise the patient’s rights when the patient is unable to do so.

Dignity & Respect

  • The patient/family and their Hospice caregiver have a right to mutual respect and dignity.
  • The patient/family have the right to appropriate, considerate, ethical and respectful care regardless of race, creed, sex, sexual preference, national origin, handicap, diagnosis, ability to pay or source of payment for care.
  • The patient has the right to receive effective pain management and symptom control and have any reports of pain accepted and acted on by Hospice Health Care professionals.
  • Patients have the right to have their pain controlled, no matter what its cause or how severe it may be. Pain is considered the fifth vital sign, and patients admitted to Connecticut Hospice programs can expect that pain will be regularly assessed and treated for all patients. The patient has the right to expect that pain will be controlled to their satisfaction.
  • The patient has a right to be free from mistreatment, neglect, verbal, mental, sexual and physical injury including those of an unknown source and misappropriation of patient property by anyone furnishing services on behalf of the hospice which is reported by hospice staff to administration. All allegations involving anyone furnishing services on behalf of Hospice will be investigated and Hospice will take immediate action to prevent further occurrence during the investigation. The Hospice will take all appropriate action as required by law in a timely manner.
  • Should the patient/family be displeased with Connecticut Hospice service, or fails to be furnished necessary services, or there is a lack of respect for property, they have the right to file a complaint without fear of discrimination or reprisal from Connecticut Hospice, Inc. First, discuss your complaint with your Hospice Staff Nurse. If you are not satisfied with the resolution, call (203) 315-7500.
  • For Inpatient: ask to speak to the Director of Inpatient Nursing/Compliance Officer
  • For Home Care: ask to speak to the Director of Home Care/ Compliance Officer
  • The purpose of the hotline is so that the patient/family may register verbal or written questions, concerns or complaints. The patient/family also has the right to use this hotline to lodge complaints concerning the implementation of the advance directive requirements.

Connecticut Department of Public Health
(860) 509-7400 8am – 4pm

Medicare HOTLINE (Home Care)
24 hours a day
7 days a week
For complaints, questions, appeals


Medicare HOTLINE (Inpatient)
TTY 877-486-2048

The Joint Commission
Email: [email protected]
Fax: 630-792-5636
Mail: Office of Quality Monitoring
The Joint Commission
One Renaissance Boulevard
Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois 60181

  • An ombudsman is available upon request. The patients/family also have the right to know the disposition of such complaints. The patients/family have the responsibility to voice any concerns or problems you might have to the Connecticut Hospice staff.

Decision Making

  • The patient/family have the right to exercise his/her rights as a Hospice patient.
  • Be fully informed of health status unless contradicted by their physician.
  • Make decisions about health care, including completion of advance directives: a living will, a health care agent, an attorney-in-fact for health care and/or a conservator.
  •  Receive necessary information by designated Hospice staff about services covered (under hospice benefit) to give informed consent prior to being admitted to Connecticut Hospice, Inc. system to care and/or treatment.
  • Refuse treatment to the extent permitted by law, and to be informed of possible consequences of his/her decision.
  • Participate or choose whether to participate in a research study and understand Hospice will protect them and respect their rights during research.
  • Request a change of caregiver without fear of consequences.
  • Request discharge from Connecticut Hospice program or choose non-hospice care (for example: hospice care outside the plan of care) and transfer to another system of care or care by family.
  • Receive complete information/explanation concerning needs for an alternative to such a transfer. Hospice must provide evaluation, service and referral as indicated by the patient’s situation.
  •  Expect access to information delineating the process of registration, review and resolution of patient/family complaints.
  • To ask for more information concerning anything you do not understand.
  •  The patient/family has the responsibility to give Connecticut Hospice an accurate and complete health history when requested to do so.
  • The patient/family will be actively involved in developing and implementing a plan of care, which will include the use of all appropriate personnel and community resources.


If discharge is required due to the need to transfer the patient to a non-hospice course of care outside the plan of care, or because the patient’s health improves and he/she no longer qualifies for the current level of care under regulatory guidelines, he/she can expect the following:


  • That the patient/family will be involved in the discharge planning process.
  • That all options for ongoing care needs will be reviewed with the patient/family.
  • That the patient/family will be informed by Hospice clinical staff or ongoing continuing health care requirements following discharge and/or risks entailed by discharge.
  • When requested, an autopsy will be arranged via Yale New Haven Hospital.


The patient/family have the right to:

  •  A confidential clinical record.
  • Consideration of privacy concerning their program of care, information regarding their health, social and financial circumstances.
  • Unrestricted visitors and communication.
  • An explanation if any restrictions are necessary.
  • Expect that records pertaining to the patient/family shall be confidential and released only as consistent with Connecticut Hospice internal policy or as otherwise required or authorized by law or third-party payment contract.
  • The patient/person legally designated in writing by has access to the patient’s medical record.

Click here to download our Notice of Privacy Practices.

Quality of Care

The patient/family have the right to:

  • Expect reasonable safety of Hospice inpatient, outpatient and home care practices and to receive care of the highest quality.
  • Be told what to do in case of an emergency.
  • Know what Hospice rules and regulations apply to the conduct of the patient/family and the rights and privileges of the patient/family as the unit of care.
  • Be provided an interpreter and hearing-impaired services, as appropriate.
  • Refuse care and treatment.
  • Choose his/her attending physician.
  • Receive information about the scope of services that the Hospice will provide and specific limitations on those services.
  • Participate in the development of your Hospice care plan. 

The patient/family has the responsibility to:

  • To follow the plan of care
  • Provide and maintain a safe home environment (for Home Care).
  • To call and cancel the visit if they are not home (for Home Care).
  • To assist in safe entry into their home (for Home Care).
  • To follow the plan of care
  •  To make any choice of non-hospice care known to Hospice as soon as practical.


The patient/family have the right to:

  •  An explanation of any bill for services regardless of sources of payment.
  • Receive a written statement of services offered and charges for services with a 30-day notice of any change in charges.
  • Be informed of the extent to which payment may be expected from Medicare or any other payor known to the organization.
  • To be informed of the charges for which the patient may be liable.
  • To be informed of any charges not covered by Medicare or other payor.
  • Request information about financial or billing concerns.

In considering an application for uncompensated care, families are encouraged to meet with the Finance Department to discuss any private pay arrangements that can be undertaken by the family. When it is determined that all or a portion of a bill cannot be paid on a private pay basis, uncompensated care is then considered.

Please Support Us

As a not-for-profit, we depend on generous donors to help us provide customized services and therapies that aren’t completely covered by Medicaid, Medicare, or private insurance. 

Please make a gift to help us sustain the highest standard of care.

Donate  Online

Contact Admissions

Admissions may be scheduled seven days a week.
Call our Centralized Intake Department: (203) 315-7540.

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